Author: 譚星輝
Tan, Xinghui
Title: 影响短信使用性的关键因素研究 : 北京地区本科大学生的实证研究
Ying xiang duan xin shi yong xing de guan jian yin su yan jiu : Beijing di qu ben ke da xue sheng de shi zheng yan jiu
Other Title: An analysis of key factors influencing consumer SMS usage: an empirical research of university students in Beijing
Degree: D.Mgt.
Year: 2007
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Mobile communication systems -- China.
Department: Graduate School of Business
Pages: xiii, 150 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: Chinese
Abstract: With the rise of the penetration rate of mobile phones in China and the development of the short message services (SMS), using mobile phones to send messages is becoming a generally-adopted means of communication. Students of higher educational institutions, who represent the upward-mobile young generation, have become the most active users. Group use and high frequency of SMS have become a campus phenomenon. What method and model can be employed to study their SMS consuming behavior? What insights can be gained from such analysis so as to help service providers better meet the needs of this important consumer market? Objectives of the study included to: (1) analyze the influence of personality, service features, usage experience, and consumer needs on SMS usage intention; (2) develop measurements for the constructs included in the study, with appropriate validity and reliability tests; and (3) verify relationships among constructs in the proposed model to empirically test the applicability of the theoretical framework in the study context and provide practical implications for SMS service providers. Based on the theories of consumer behaviors, theories of personality and some relevant studies by previous researchers, the thesis put forward a theoretical framework to guide the study and hypotheses for empirical testing. This thesis research included a qualitative analysis to identify possible domains and measurement items of the constructs affecting college students' intention of using SMS and a quantitative analysis on the relative impacts of the following factors: personality, service features, usage experiences and needs of college student. A questionnaire was designed based on a comprehensive review of the literature, personal interviews and focus group discussions with current SMS users. Face-to-face surveys were conducted at eight higher educational institutions in Beijing and 1,221 valid questionnaires were collected. The data was analyzed with exploratory factor analyses, confirmatory factor analyses, and structural equation modeling, using SPSS and AMOS statistical software, to test the hypotheses and achieve research objectives. Major findings of the study included: a) A model that involves SMS usage intention and factors affecting the usage can be established with four predictor variables, namely, usage experience, personality, consumer needs and service features. b) Consumer needs can be measured in two dimensions: personal needs and the surroundings. c) Personality consisted of five dimensions: extraversion, neuroticism/emo-tional stability, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness. d) Service features comprised of price, substitute products, marketing, quality of service, new service offerings and SMS characteristics. e) Usage experience consisted of perceived gains and perceived satisfaction. f) All four predictor variables showed positive effects on SMS usage intention. g) Personality and service features also had positive effects on consumer needs; that is, consumer needs can be regarded as a mediating variable between personality/service features and SMS usage intention. Academic contributions of this research included providing further insights on the popular Technology Acceptance Model, proposing and verifying a model with multi-dimensions that influences SMS usage, and developing and validating the measurements as well as the structure of the model. Based on results of the analysis, managerial implications of the study were discussed. Conclusions drawn from the study can not only guide the design and marketing of SMS, especially value-added telecommunication services, but also provide a benchmark for further studies on other mobile phone and Internet services. Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research were also proposed.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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