Author: Fok, Wai-ting
Title: Active loss pair measurement
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2008
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Routers (Computer networks)
Computer networks -- Evaluation.
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: 77 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Measurement based on packet pairs has been used to discover end-to-end network characteristics. One of such measurement is loss-pair analysis [11], which has been shown to be able to passively measure the queue size in the bottleneck router along a path in ns-2 simulator. However, the methodology only models routers for which the queue is managed in the unit of byte. The application of the method is thus limited. In this paper, we have proposed an active measurement methodology that can apply to all routers. It make use of our newly proposed model that relates router queue size in unit of packet, bandwidth, packet size and queuing delay. We have performed experiments in testbed to validate our model. We have illustrated that our methodology can estimate queue size of bottleneck router which manages buffer in unit of packet. Finally, we have applied our methodology in a more complex baseline traffic. We found that if small-size packets dominates the base-line traffic, our methodology cannot give accurate results. We suggested some methods to increase the accuracy. The major contribution of this research are: 1. We have proposed an active loss-pair measurement methodology to support routers of different implementations of buffer management, such that the application can be extended to all routers in real world environment; 2. We have performed testbed experiment to verify the relationship between queue size of bottleneck router and queuing delay observed by a loss-pair; 3. We have demonstrated the use of linear regression and different statistical measures of central tendency to correct the error from data collected under different network traffic characteristics.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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