Author: | Wan, Tak-ching |
Title: | To increase knowledge and awareness of influenza infection among older persons in Hong Kong : health education approach |
Degree: | M.Sc. |
Year: | 2009 |
Subject: | Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations. Older people -- Health and hygiene -- China -- Hong Kong. Health education -- China -- Hong Kong. |
Department: | School of Nursing |
Pages: | xi, 117 leaves : col. ill. ; 30 cm. |
Language: | English |
Abstract: | Objectives To help older persons increase the knowledge, awareness of influenza and strengthen their healthy behaviour through our health education programme. Design A quasi-experimental non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design was used in the study. Subjects There were 107 older persons aged 65 or above were recruited from three elderly centres in the single geographical district - Kowloon City. They were divided into experimental and control groups according to the elderly centres; and 55 older persons were in the experimental group and 52 in the control groups. Intervention Three consecutive weeks of health education related to influenza introduced to older persons in the experimental group. The control group followed their usual activities in the elderly centres at the same period. Outcome measures The standardized questionnaire was used to measure the knowledge, fear of influenza and healthy behaviour among the older persons before and after the health education programme. The knowledge assessment in the questionnaire was focus on two streams: Self perceived knowledge and the assessed knowledge related to influenza. The fear of influenza used 10-point scale to measure the older persons' fear of catching influenza. The healthy behaviour including the exercise, dietary and hygiene habit in their daily living were measured. The improvement in the healthy behaviour was identified by the frequency of the healthy behaviour among older persons in daily living. In addition, older people were empowered in scenario sharing in individual semi-structured interview in experimental groups for awareness of health issues, decision making and self care in improving performance in healthy behaviour. Results There was significant improvement in the self perceived knowledge and healthy behaviour within the experimental group after the health education programme (p-value< 0.05), but not in the control groups. Moreover, the net changes of dependent variables (self perceived knowledge, fear of influenza, assessed knowledge and healthy behaviour) showed significant change of variables in post intervention statistics, which benefits describe the clinical effect in the performance among the older persons. There were statistically significant differences in net changes of fear of influenza and healthy behaviour between experimental and control groups (p-value < 0.05), and older persons demonstrated less fear of influenza and greater improvement in healthy behaviour among older persons in the experimental group. There was no correlation between dependent variables (self perceived knowledge, fear of influenza, assessed knowledge and healthy behaviour) in the experimental group at the baseline, but positive correlation found among the self perceived knowledge and assessed knowledge, and also the self perceived knowledge and healthy behaviour after the health education. Older persons in the experimental group increased in self perceived knowledge with a correlated increase in assessed knowledge and healthy behaviour after the intervention. In addition, the empowerment of older persons during the health education programme was important. During the health education programme, older persons gained the awareness of the influenza, shared the experience with their peers and performed better in healthy behaviour. Conclusion In the study, there was significant improvement in self perceived knowledge and healthy behaviour in the experimental group, but there was no healthy behaviour improvement in the control group. The net improvement was greater in fear of influenza and healthy behaviour in the experimental group as compared with the control group. After health education, positive correlation among self perceived knowledge with assessed knowledge and healthy behaviour among older persons was found in the experimental group. Tailor made health education can enhance self confidence; decrease fear of influenza and help older persons to perform better healthy behaviour in daily living. Therefore, centre nurses can be introduced in the local elderly centres to tailor make health education and self help group arrangements in the future. |
Rights: | All rights reserved |
Access: | restricted access |
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