Author: Wong, Ka-yan
Title: The optimal installation of active power filters in an office building
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2005
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Electric power failures -- Prevention
Electronic apparatus and appliances -- Power supply -- Safety measures
Office buildings -- Power supply -- Safety measures
Electric filters, Crystal
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: xi, 108, 53 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: This study examines the optimization of active power filter (APF) installation for harmonic compensation in a building power distribution system. Since nonlinear loads have grown dramatically in recent years to cope with the rapid information technology development, a series of considerable damaging harmonic problems resulted. Solutions for harmonic elimination are called for. Based on the studies of other researchers on the harmonic analysis of individual equipment, this study continues to investigate the aggregate harmonic contributions from all this equipment in a typical office building. It helps to reveal the aggravating effects during the peak load due to a high simultaneous equipment usage. The harmonic currents and voltages distortion pattern and characteristics attributed to particular type of harmonic source have been explored. Optimization of APF installation means selecting the best location point for an APF so that the required APF rating is a minimum. The method adopted for computing the required APF injection currents is based on nonlinear optimization theory. The operation principle of the APF and the concept of the developed algorithm are reviewed. The computer software, Matlab, is used for the circuit models building, harmonic simulations and algorithm computations. The findings indicate that the capacity of the minimum filter has a close relationship with the amount of harmonic currents sustaining in the power system and its installation location. Parameters affecting the sustaining harmonic currents and the best point of installations are identified and examined. Based on the simulation results and calculations, the size and location of the optimal filters are proposed for the distribution system of the office building by complying with the requirements of IEEE Standard-512. It is discovered that APF enhances power factor of the system as well, thus, reducing power loss. Through optimizing APF installation, a cost-effective solution for harmonic elimination is achieved through a low cost and small size filter. In addition, it prevents harmonic problems, such as, cables overheating, electronic device failure and motor damage. Energy is used more efficiently. Therefore, all building stakeholders enjoy a more reliable and high quality electricity supply with a lower electric cost. Finally, recommendations for reasonable filter placement are drawn, and it is suggested that further research be conducted for harmonic spectrum of more harmonic sources through real on-site measurement.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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