Author: 張新生
Zhang, Xinsheng
Title: 中国 ICT 企业标准化动因研究
Zhongguo ICT qi ye biao zhun hua dong yin yan jiu
Other Title: Research on standardization driving forces of China ICT enterprise
Degree: D.Mgt.
Year: 2008
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Information technology -- China.
Department: Graduate School of Business
Pages: x, 192 leaves ; 30 cm.
Language: Chinese
Abstract: With today's world increasingly characterized by economic globalization, high technology, especially information and communication technology (ICT) has become a critical force driving economic growth around the world. Technological standard, as a crucial means for global resources allocation, has become a key factor that has a bearing on the competitiveness of a company, an industry, and even a country. In China, the ICT industry has become a strategic pioneer and mainstay industry. Having experienced fierce competition in both domestic and international arena, Chinese ICT companies have come to recognize standard as a strategic vantage point in the competition. By using both theories and facts, studying both internal and external factors with qualitative and quantitative analysis means, this thesis, from macro, middle and micro level, analyses and discusses about the dynamics for Chinese ICT enterprises to participate in technological standardization, with the focus of the study on the following aspects: 1. Revealing the external factors that drive Chinese ICT companies to participate in standardization from the perspective of the influence of standard to China's ICT industry and studies in five aspects: economic globalization, network externalities, intellectual property, innovation, and integration of industry chain. 2. Based on long-standing work experience and theoretical knowledge, analyzing the intensity of network externalitiess and the influence of standard to ICT industry in 9 aspects of the ICT industry, making hypotheses related to the production volume of standards on sector R&D expenditure, the number of patent applications, concentration, average scale, capital intensity, and export. Based on statistics of the ICT industry, multi-variable regressive analysis models are established to verify the hypotheses through static analysis. 3. Based on static analysis, making hypotheses about the correlation between R&D expenditure, the number of patent applications and its square value, and the correlation between the ration of the number of patents and R&D expenditure and the production volume of standards, and establishing comprehensive panel data model for dynamic analysis and verification. 4. Performing qualitative analysis of the incentives for Chinese ICT companies' participation in standardization through questionnaires and interlocutions; proposing hypotheses about possible correlation between the size, intensity of R&D efforts, patent intensity, productivity and export rate of a Chinese ICT company and the company's participation in standardization; revealing the internal causes and incentives for Chinese ICT companies to participate in standardization by establishing a discrete binary option model and quantitative analysis of data from over 180 enterprises. 5. Verifying the external and internal causes and incentives for enterprises to participate in standardization from five aspects, i.e. the economic globalization, network externalitiess, industry chain, intellectual property and technological innovation by taking China's TD-SCDMA standard and its industrialization. 6. Institution design for the standardization of China's ICT industry based on the practical work experiences and above results of studies in an effort to shed some light on standardization of China's ICT industry.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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