Author: 費梅苹
Fei, Meiping
Title: 上海偏差青少年邊緣化的社會互動過程研究 : 以青少年社區服刑人員為例
Other Title: A study on the social interactive process of the marginalization of juvenile delinquents in Shanghai: Taking the Juveniles under Community Corrections as an Example
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2009
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Juvenile delinquents -- China -- Shanghai -- Case studies.
Department: Department of Applied Social Sciences
Pages: xii, 281 p. : ill., charts ; 30 cm.
Language: Chinese
Abstract: Using the grounded theory as an approach, based on in-depth interviews with 22 juveniles currently under community corrections, this research induces a core concept of "secondary socialization". It has been discovered that there are three stages in the juvenile delinquents' social interactive marginalization process: departure from conventional routine, self-development towards deviance, and multidimensional development. This research gives an analysis of the inner and outer causes of the marginalization, from the perspective of the interviewees. This research believes that the social interactive process of marginalization is a secondary socialization process, of which the deviant behaviors or crimes are just an outcome, resulted from the interaction between the juvenile and his social environment. To analyze from the micro level, the mechanism of such secondary socialization is mutual symbol and coordinated action; seeking self-identification and self-realization is the logic behind the behaviors. To analyze from the macro level, the unstable social orders and the diverse evolution of culture and values during the transition of Chinese economy influence largely on the behaviors during the growth of the juveniles. In the early stages of the juvenile delinquent's socialization, the diversity of culture and values, and the score-oriented educational system plays the role of a "pusher"; in the later stages when the juvenile tries to end his deviation and return to a normal life, the social bias he faces in school and in his career plays the role of a "blocker". Under such circumstances, the juvenile is pushed into his marginalization, and blocked from returning to a normal social status. When the juvenile delinquent becomes an outsider of the mainstream society, he usually continues his socialization in a secondary society which often takes the form of a friends circle. During this process he often displays secondary characteristics such as being rebellious, acting against social order, and etc.. However, such secondary socialization is very unstable, which makes the process of self-identification and self-recognition complex and difficult for the juvenile delinquent. Based on the results of the research, this thesis also proposed several suggestions for the construction of the social service system for the juvenile community correction.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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