Author: Leung, Suk-man Grace
Title: Clients' perspectives on the helpfulness of reflecting team practice
Degree: M.A.
Year: 1997
Subject: Group psychotherapy
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Applied Social Studies
Pages: vii, 101, [15] p. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: The focus of the study is to investigate how clients experience and perceive the helpfulness of reflecting team practice. The reflecting team was originated by Tom Andersen in Norway. The therapists in the reflecting team will not observe the clients behind the one-way mirror and the discussions of the therapists are made public. Therapists are not occupying an expert position diagnosing a pathological case. It is this essence of reflecting team that attracts me to explore more of this approach. Besides, the use of team for counselling is more and more common in Hong Kong. The originators and practitioners have pondered over the use of team in their practice, so it is worthwhile to examine the use of such in our practice. Furthermore, I choose to study from clients' views because their feedbacks are very valuable in enhancing our understanding of the counselling process and for its betterment. To summarize, my research objectives are to investigate in what ways the reflecting team has been regarded as helpful by clients and the adjustments of this approach that are identified by clients. Hoping that the gathered information can shed light on the applicability of reflecting team practice in Hong Kong context. From previous researches on the reflecting team and related literatures, four characteristics of reflecting team practice are identified which are supposed to bring forth therapeutic effects. They are the structure of reflecting team session, the use of team in counselling, the egalitarian therapeutic relationship and the therapeutic setting. It is to examine how these four characteristics bring forth therapeutic effects as perceived by clients. To reach this objective, qualitative research method using in-depth interviews are employed in my study. Qualitative interview allows for thick description of informant's experiences that fits with my research objectives. Three out of four informants have completed all the research interviews. The informants have to attend three research interviews. They are the 'pre-reflecting team session',' post lst reflecting team session' and 'post reflecting team sessions' research interviews. The research findings revealed that the reflecting team practice is helpful to the informants. The informants affirmed that their expectations are met and changes are resulted after attending the reflecting team for three to four times. The helpfulness of reflecting team is brought forth by its four characteristics. The structure of reflecting team with the reflecting process allows the informants to have more opinions and more space for inner dialogue, so more ideas can be generated that are helpful to their problems. Besides, informants can obtain immediate feedbacks through the use of team in counselling. In addition, the informants commented that they sense respect and support in the process of listening to the discussions of the team, which facilitate their engagement in the therapeutic process. Although there is no consensus on the arrangement of therapeutic setting that informants prefer, the importance of providing clients with a comfortable and secure therapeutic environment is shown. Furthermore, the informants stimulated me to think more about possible ways to handle the uneasy feeling that they have experienced at the start of the reflecting team; the hindering effect of the team on the interviewer; the ways to enhance the inner dialogue in counselling process; the notion of 'multiple'; how the team can build up relationship with client although they do not have direct communication; as well as reflections on cultural elements. All in all, the feedbacks of informants are mostly positive, may be we can try this approach in our practice continuously but bear in mind we should obtain clients' feedbacks during the application process.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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