Author: Hui, Kiu-hung
Title: Concurrent engineering approach to telecommunication network deployment
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 1998
Subject: Wharf Communication Investment Limited
Telecommunication systems -- China -- Hong Kong
Cable television -- China -- Hong Kong
Concurrent engineering -- China -- Hong Kong
Value analysis (Cost control)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Department of Manufacturing Engineering
Pages: 96 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Concurrent Engineering (CE) approach is usually applied on product development and their related manufacturing and supporting processes. This paper described the application of CE in telecommunication network construction field and the systematic development of a model for the concurrent network deployment as well as research capacities for the testing and introduction. The growing complexity of markets, network deployment and servicing processes increased the number of interactions inside and between the activities of the Network Deployment Process(NDP). Demands on designers increased as they try to anticipate the consequences of their design decisions on downstream activities. Thus, leaded to a need for improvement of the process and for better methods and tools to support this process. In this dissertation, a unique model was developed base on CE approach for the NDP in Wharf Communication Network. The model described a process in which the development of the network forms the central theme, the coherent processes directed at areas of activities with respect to the market, network and servicing and, where the common goal of the process was expressed: the business. A case study was presented to demonstrate the concurrency of the model and the process. Within this case study as part of the overall improvement plan of NDP, the CE approach is especially applied in the redesign of the network. The case study focused on those parts of the NDP project in which the Network Engineering contributed, these being the operational aspects within network development. This case study illustrated the role that CE can play in NDP improvement of a construction environment.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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