Author: Leung, Siu-kuen
Title: Property development evaluation : an expert system approach
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 1996
Subject: Real property -- China -- Hong Kong -- Management
Expert systems (Computer science)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: ii, [107], [17] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: In the past twenty to thirty years, Hong Kong has always been commented that her economic growth and changes are tremendous and significant. The property and construction industry is one of the outstanding sectors which share the same comments. It is not deniable that the value and importance of this industry is receiving more and more attention in the past ten years. Investments by the public and private sectors in this field are still growing. Due to the fact that these investments always involve millions to billions of dollars, if the financial aspect can be planned, managed and controlled more effectively and efficiently, the savings in time and money will certainly be impressive and beneficial to all parties concerned. Many programs and computing techniques have already been developed on the technical side of construction and property development like design and project management, etc. It is aimed by this research, a prototype expert system can be developed to assist the novice users to analyze and plan the feasibility of developing a prospective property site with the financial aspect as the principal concern. The recent popular Artificial Intelligent technique is made use of to develop this prototype system like KAPPA-PC. KAPPA-PC, an Expert System Shell and an object-oriented programming language, is used as the core of Knowledge Based System (KBS). Supplemented with Microsoft Excel version 5, a popular spreadsheet data processing program, the user can handle the data in the normal way until the later stage to generate the recommendations from the prototype system. By this system, the user can also try different scenarios to analyze the feasibility of developing the prospective property site and be more efficient and effective in obtaining results therefrom.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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