Author: Shen, Minhui
Title: Push-out tests of headed shear studs with solid concrete slabs
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2009
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Concrete slabs -- Testing.
Bolts and nuts -- Testing.
Department: Department of Civil and Structural Engineering
Pages: xiii, 139 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: During the research study, the structural performance of shear connectors in composite structures is investigated experimentally and a total of twelve push-out tests of headed shear studs with solid concrete slabs are carried out to determine the load-slippage curves of headed shear studs. To realize the condition of combined tension and shear, different inclinations of the interfaces between the steel sections and the concrete slabs are covered. Hence, the effects of tensile forces on the shear resistances of head shear studs with solid concrete slabs are really assessed. Moreover, two different loading procedures are adopted in the tests. The first one is according to Eurocode 4 in which all the test specimens are subjected to 25 cyclic loadings varying from 5% to 40% of the anticipated failure loads of the shear studs. In the other one, the test specimens are subjected to additionally 10 cyclic loadings varying from 25% to 75% of the anticipated failure loads. Thus, the cyclic loadings in both the elastic and the plastic ranges are applied to the test specimens in order to assess the effects of different loading procedures on the load-slippage characteristics of headed shear studs. After rigorous data analyses, two load slippage curves of headed shear studs with solid concrete slabs are obtained, i) one under pure shear force, and ii) the other one under combined shear and tension in which the tensile force is about 25% of that of the shear force. After normalization according to Grade C35 concrete, the full range load slippage curves of the headed shear studs with solid concrete slabs for practical design are obtained. The maximum slippage at either fracture of shear stud or concrete crushing and cracking is found to be between 7.5 to 10mm. It should be noted that the characteristic shear resistance of the 19mm headed shear studs with solid concrete slabs are significantly higher than those in data given in the Hong Kong Steel Code and British Standard but similar to those data given in Eurocode 4. Moreover, the cyclic loadings are found to have no or little effect on the shear resistances of the shear studs. Hence, this research work provides justification to the design rules adopted in the Hong Kong Steel Code.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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