Author: Liu, Yee-mei
Title: Daylighting glare in premises with windows
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2005
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Sealed double glazing
Luminescence -- Measurement
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: v, 109, 2, [9] leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: In this study, a regression analysis of glare formulas (5 existing indexes: PGSV, DGI, UGR, DGIN, UGRexp; 2 newly developed indexes: DGI1 & DGI2; 1 obtained in experiment: Ev/Eh) due to artificial light and daylighting were investigated statistically. The data were collected by means of the subjects' questionnaire responses and the physical measurements through correlation and regression analysis. The findings indicate that the performance of DGIN is the worst. It is a fairly new index which has not been tested after the claim. The introduction of the adaptation luminance La in the formula underestimated the effect of the background and the contribution of the glare source plus an additional weighted effect of the glare source. In addition, the proposal of this study in terms of a new index of DGI2 in a space was successful in the field study in relating to several subjective assessments from all the moderate and moderately strong correlations found. The study also shows that glare appraisals are affected only moderately by the window size. This result is important for use in daylighting design of buildings for the assessment of daylight system performance with the aim of creating ergonomically optimal working environments where maximum visual comfort and maximum productivity can be achieved.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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