Author: Ma, Bik-kiu
Title: AMT adoption for business integrated manufacturing strategy
Degree: M.B.A.
Year: 1994
Subject: Manufacturing processes -- Automation
Computer integrated manufacturing systems
Business planning
Strategic planning
Hong Kong Polytechnic -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Management
Pages: [v], 77, [3] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: There are two major motives to initiate this project. The first one is the use of Advanced Manufacturing Technology as a competitive advantage in the fierce global competition. The second motives is the need of a good project management methodology in order to handle a complex and long term project for an electronics company. The project starts with the analysis of the conventional approach through studies of the findings from automation and management experts, interviews of Hong Kong automation company and the visits to the world wide successful automation company. This analysis forms the basis for the development of the methodology. After consolidating the findings in this field, a framework is proposed in order to overcome the current problems. In this proposed framework, seven stages are included to assure that the poject is properly managed with the business integrated strategy, the right design, the justification and the control of the project to really give us the required competitive advantage. control and review. The new framework is then applied to our electronics company in order to guarantee the success of our automation adoption. The effectiveness of the framework is measured using the criteria for measuring the manufacturing strategy as stated by Hayes(1984) and it is found to be effective and meet the recommendation is made after practical application.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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