Author: Lu, Lin
Title: Investigation on characteristics and application of hybrid solar-wind power generation systems
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2004
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Electric power generation
Solar energy
Wind power
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: xvii, 219 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: This thesis develops an overall methodology for investigating the characteristics and application of hybrid solar-wind power generation systems using both technical methodology and field experiment. The field experiment investigates the operating performances and characteristics of a hybrid solar-wind system and helps to validate the field application feasibility of the models developed in this thesis. By applying and integrating new technologies and new concepts, the Hybrid Solar-Wind System Optimization (HSWSO) methodology is developed according to the Loss of Power Supply Probability (LPSP) technique and the new concept of Levelised Cost of Energy (LCE). The HSWSO model is utilized to carry out system evaluations and to achieve optimal system configurations with two case studies. By applying the HSWSO model, the hybrid system can be sized technically and economically according to the system reliability requirements. The weighting relationships among three sizing parameters (the capacity of photovoltaic (PV) system, the rated power of wind system, and the capacity of battery bank) are investigated accordingly for different system reliability requirements. The orientations of PV modules (y, B) and the hub heights of wind tower (h) are also studied as two factors influencing the sizing simulation results. A Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) for renewable energy applications is proposed. By applying the new methodologies developed in this thesis, a local TMY is derived for solar- wind applications (utilized as the weather data input in the HSWSO model) by processing local long-term weather data. The potential of hybrid solar-wind applications is also investigated accordingly. As one part of the integrated HSWSO model, the simulation model for hybrid solar-wind system is developed. This hybrid system simulation mainly employs modeling of PV modules, modeling of wind turbine, and modeling of battery bank. Modeling PV modules includes two parts: modeling the maximum power output of PV modules, which is developed from the model describing the I-V characteristics of PV modules and validated by experimental tests; and the calculation of total solar radiation on any tilted panel at any orientation. The optimal inclination angle and orientation for PV panels are also obtained accordingly. Modeling battery bank is performed according to the specifications of Pb-acid battery. The operating performances and characteristics of hybrid solar-wind systems, PV systems, wind systems, and battery banks are also investigated according to the simulation results from the HSWSO model developed in this study.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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