Author: Chan, Wing-kin
Title: Arrangement of children's daily activities of dual earners' family : views of children, patrents and social workers
Degree: M.A.
Year: 1997
Subject: Dual-career families
Child rearing
Parent and child
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Applied Social Studies
Pages: 78, [36] leaves; 31 cm
Language: English
Abstract: In this era, the child rearing practice of the dual earners' family was quite relying on the support of other systems. As the parents had limited time to nurture their children, they would arrange the daily activities for the children so as to help their children develop to be a mature, responsible and well-balanced adult. In this study, two dual earners' families with a single child studying P.4 to P.6 were chosen for case study. And a social worker who had certain understanding on the child as well as the family was also interviewed. The study provided an opportunity for the children to express their views and opinions on their arrangement of daily activities (ADA) and also theirs expected arrangement of daily activities (EADA). The mother was then interviewed to explore her comments on her child's actual arrangement of daily activities (AADA) and her EADA of her child. Finally, a social worker was asked to comment on the child's AADA and his/her EADA of the child. After those interviews, some criteria in deciding the AADA of children had been explored. On the one hand, the adult needed to 1. understand the children's personality, 2. provide activities that the children could have involvement and could interact with others, 3. provide free time for the children and 4. concern the affection needs of the children. On the other hand, the parents should also beware of 1. the quality of family communication and interaction if it was difficult to increase the quantity and 2. the influence of parents' expectations on children as well as the parent-child relationship. Therefore, in deciding the ADA of the children, the adult needed to the understand the characteristic and the needs of the children and also the role the parents could be paid on those arrangements.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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