Author: Lee, Ming-bun Michael
Title: Advanced oxidation process for cyanide destruction in industrial wastewater treatment
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2000
Subject: Sewage -- Purification -- Cyanide removal
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering
Pages: viii, 94, [15] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: This dissertation is to investigate the feasibility of using ozonation (O3) and advanced oxidation (O3/UV) process to remove cyanide from a cyanide containing effluent. An investigation of the effects of ozone and ozone-induced hydroxyl radical on reducing cyanide contents is discussed related to the application of ozone in industry wastewater treatment. Cyanide is an important chemical especially in the electroplating industry. Cyanide-containing effluents are ecological hazards and the cyanide wastes must be properly treated before discharging from the process plant. The most common method for treating free or simple cyanide is alkaline chlorination. Alkaline chlorination oxidizes cyanide to cyanate at pH>8.5 and eventually to carbonate and nitrogen gas. However, the applicability of alkaline chlorination to the wastewater was inappropriate because it results in highly toxic intermediates (e.g. cyanogen chloride). The residual chlorine will affect human health and create environmental problems and the chlorine gas forms toxic compounds THM that are harmful to human. In this study, the water quality was examined based on the removal of cyanide in O3 and O3/UV processes, and this study was attempt to explain the experimental results in view of the kinetic models. The followings are the primary findings. Ozone alone was not effective in removing the cyanide bearing water because it left some free cyanide, (initial CN- concentration of 1,000 mg/L reduced to 10 mg/L by ozone alone, ozone dosage of 60 mg/L after 80 min of treatment). UV irradiation alone resulted in little removal of cyanide in synthetic water sample, (initial CN- concentration of 1,000 mg/L reduced to 850mg/L by UV irradiation alone after 80min of treatment). Ozone in combination with UV irradiation was the most effective method for removing the cyanide bearing water in both synthetic and real water samples (initial CN- concentration of 1,000mg/L reduced to less than 1mg/L after 80 min of treatment).
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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