Author: Tseh, Oi Yin Eva
Title: Validation of Chinese version of the 'cost of care index'
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2003
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Caregivers -- China -- Hong Kong -- Psychology
Older people -- Care -- China -- Hong Kong -- Research
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
School of Nursing
Pages: vii, 80 leaves ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Aim: This study aims to establish the construct validity of the Chinese version of Cost of Care Index (CCI) which is used for measuring caregiving burdens of informal caregivers who are caring their elderly family members. Method: Criterion validation and factor analysis techniques were used for testing the construct validity of the Chinese version of CCI. The Spearman correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationship between five dimensions of the Chinese version of CCI and their criterion-related measures. Results: One hundred and eleven cases were recruited from Geriatric Outpatient Clinic. The mean age of informal caregivers was 50.50 (SD=14.68). The mean age of care recipients was 79.5 (SD=8.19). The functional status of 70% of care recipients ranged from moderately functional dependent to independent and with no cognitive impairment or depressive symptoms identified. Fifty percent of care recipients exhibited no aggressive behaviour. Results showed a set of criterion factors for the five dimensions of the Chinese version of CCI - Dimension I "Personal and Social Restrictions", Dimension 2 "Physical and Emotional Health, Dimension 3 "Value Investment in Caregiving", Dimension 4 "Care Recipients as Provocateurs" and Dimension 5 "Economic Costs". These three established instruments: WHOQOL, GHQ and CRAGE were included in the set of criterion factors. Spearman Correlation examines these three instruments to be the best predictor variables of the Chinese version of CCI. The Chinese version of CCI was highly significant to WHOQOL (rs=-.282, p<0.01), GHQ (rs=380, p<0.01) and CRAGE (rs =.263, p<0.01). Factor Analysis determined that the Chinese version of CCI contained four components with eigenvalues greater than 1.0 accounting for 64.82% of the total variance. Internal consistencies of five dimensions of the Chinese version of CCI and all 20-item CCI score were computed by Cronbach's alpha with a range from 0.68 to 0.93. Conclusion: This study results indicate that the Chinese version of CCI is a reliable instrument and valid to measure the caregiving burdens of informal caregivers who care their family elderly with lower level of functional dependency and with no cognitive impairment or depressive symptoms identified and the family elderly exhibited no to mild aggressive behaviour in Hong Kong locality.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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