Author: Au, Wai-cheung Cliff
Title: User factors and computer use of children and youth centres in Hong Kong
Degree: M.A.
Year: 1995
Subject: Day care centers -- China -- Hong Kong
Youth centers -- China -- Hong Kong
Human-computer interaction
User interfaces (Computer systems)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Applied Social Studies
Pages: viii, 125 leaves ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between computer use and user factors task in children and youth centres in Hong Kong. The user factors includes user participation, user training and structure of user. The results would bring insights for the centre administrators to facilitate the computer use in their centres. Methods and Procedures Data was collected through mailing questionnaire method. 610 questionnaires were sent to the staff of 70 children and youth centres which were selected by random cluster sampling process. There were 234 valid cases for analysis. The statistical procedures of chi-square and Cramer's V were employed to analyze the relationships between computer use and various user factors. The relationships between demographic variables and both computer use and user factors were also examined in this study. Major Results There were significant relationships between computer use and both user training and user participation . No significant relationship between computer use and the structure of user task, was found in this study. Specifically, the higher user participation in the computerization process and the more user computer training attributed the more computer use in children and youth centres. Among the dimensions of user training, informal user training had stronger relationship with computer use. Besides, there was also significant relationship between user training and user participation. More user training brought higher level of user participation of centre staff in computerization process or vice versa. Again, the informal user training had stronger relationship with user participation in comparison with formal user training. Among all demographic variables, 'Job Rank' had significant relationships with user training, user participation and computer use with statistical significance. To scrutinize these relationships, the clerical staff reported more computer use and user training while the centre-in-charges or centre supervisors had higher level of user participation in their centres' computerization process. Recommendations 1. Computer use should be one of the growing concerns of centre administrators nowadays. 2. Centre administrators should allow and encourage all their centre staff to participate in the process of centre computerization in order to ensure the success of the computerized systems. 3. Besides the formal computer training, the centre administrators should provide more informal computer learning activities to centre staff. This is because the informal computer learning activities are more effective to enhance the computer use and user participation among the centre staff.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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