Author: | Pan, Sai-nung |
Title: | A decision support system for a foundry |
Degree: | M.Sc. |
Year: | 1992 |
Subject: | Foundries -- Automation Decision support systems Hong Kong Polytechnic -- Dissertations |
Department: | Department of Computing |
Pages: | 146 leaves |
Language: | English |
Abstract: | This paper explores how and why the use of computer-based support system would effectively improve the productivity in the assembly line of a foundry. A model of a Decision Support System is developed, resulting from a pilot survey of 10 foundries in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan. The foundry adopted in the case study in Chen Hsong Foundry, a subsidiary of the Chen Hsong Holdings Limited, producing ductile iron casting in Hong Kong. Specifically, the Decision Support System developed in this paper is to support the middle managers and supervisors in decision making on the work-station level. This paper illustrates a simple approach to formulate a prototype for Decision Support System, identifies the problems that can be foreseen if the system were put into practice, and whenever possible, recommend the solutions to cope with these problems. |
Rights: | All rights reserved |
Access: | restricted access |
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