Author: Fong, Wai-kuen
Title: Effect of age and wrist positioning on repeatability of power grip strength and isokinetic performance of wrist muscles
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2000
Subject: Wrist
Grip strength
Muscle strength
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
Pages: xiv, 112 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: This study involved two experiments. The first experiment tested the repeatability and effect of age and wrist positioning on grip strength measurement. Thirty healthy males aged between 20-69 years were tested twice with one week apart in six wrist positions: (1) neutral extension (EXT)/neutral radial/ulnar deviation (RUD), (2) 15o EXT/neutral RUD, (3) 30o EXT/neutral RUD, (4) neutral EXT/15o UD, (5) 15o EXT/15o UD, and (6) 30o EXT/15o UD. Results showed good repeatability for grip strength with ICC(1,3)=0.9043-0.9663. Age was not found to be a significant factor for grip strength (p=0.731). Significant difference was found in grip strength among the six positions (p=0.000). Higher grip strength was obtained in positions 2 and 3 than 4, 5 and 6; and grip strength in position 1 was higher than that of position 6 (p<0.023). The second experiment tested the repeatability and effect of wrist positioning on isokinetic performance (peak torque and average work) of wrist flexors and extensors. Fifteen healthy males (30-50 years) were tested with a Dexter TradeStation twice, with one week apart at 60o/s and 180o/s with wrist in (1) neutral radial/ulnar deviation (RUD), and (2) 15o UD. Results showed good repeatability for isokinetic measurements of both wrist flexors and extensors (ICC(1,1)=0.7042-0.9367). Results of 2-way repeated measures ANOVA, revealed significant interaction between wrist position and speed (p=0.000 to 0.007). Paired t-test was then used to analyze the results, which revealed that isokinetic strength of both wrist flexors and extensors at position 2 was significantly greater than position 1 (p=0.000). This finding suggested that it is vital to standardize the testing position for both grip strength and isokinetic wrist assessment. The high repeatability of grip strength and isokinetic wrist measurement has clinical implications for testing and evaluation of treatment outcome in hand rehabilitation.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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