Author: Wong, Winnie Wai-ling
Title: Does the use of the dictionary help students in their reading comprehension and cloze exercises?
Degree: M.A.
Year: 1996
Subject: English language -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- China -- Hong Kong
Reading comprehension -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- China -- Hong Kong
English language -- Dictionaries -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- China -- Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of English
Pages: vi, 123 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: The hypothesis that the use of the dictionary helps second language learners of English in Hong Kong in doing reading comprehension and cloze exercises was investigated in this research consisting of two phases (a pilot study and a main study) with 79 full-time students (Groups A - D) of the Computing and Commerce Departments at Morrison Hill Technical Institute. Two groups of students were invited to use the dictionary whereas the other two groups were not allowed to use the dictionary when they did the reading comprehension and cloze exercises (Exercise 1). Another set of reading comprehension and cloze exercises were used as a control study (Exercise 2) to provide a measure of the students' performance without using the dictionary. The findings obtained from the two exercises showed different behaviour patterns of students i.e. students looked up words from the reading comprehension in the dictionary more often than from cloze. This suggested that the dictionary was useful to students in reading comprehension and not in cloze owing to the nature of the questions. Although only a weak positive effect of the use of the dictionary could be found, the findings from this study might prompt further research on how to use the dictionary more efficiently to facilitate second language learning of English in Hong Kong.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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