Author: Lai, Cheuk-yung
Title: Packetized voice switching network (PVSN)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2000
Subject: Telephone switching systems, Electronic
Telecommunication -- Switching systems
Packet switching (Data transmission)
TCP/IP (Computer network protocol)
Computer networks
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
Pages: 91 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Packetized Voice Switching Network (PVSN) are expected to be deployed worldwide in the near future because of their potential for integrating the multimedia communication infrastructure over IP networks. Phone to Phone communicate over an IP network via PVSN is a key feature of the system. In a PVSN system, a low-bit-rate voice codec is used to improve bandwidth efficiency. However, due to the packet transfer method over the TCP/IP network (LAN) and ATM network (WAN) is necessary to add packet headers, including IP, UDP, and RTP headers or ATM cell header, which increases the header overhead and thus decreases transfer efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to have a feasibility study about the packetized voice implementation over LAN and WAN as well as the architecture of the PVSN. This dissertation examines the feasibility of constructing a large distributed PVSN on 100BaseT Ethernet. A major problem with CSMA/CD, for speech transmission, is the inherent packetization delay which can considerably exceed the 2msec delay normally specified by PTT authorities for subscribers' premises networks (SPNs). Also, this dissertation considers the choice of parameters to minimize the delay on both LAN and WAN. The proposed PVSN architecture is aim to provide an alternative convergent solution to PBXs and CENTREX services. PVSN is in software-based building on Windows NT or Linux platform. The system will equip with Ethernet NIC, ATM 25Mbps NIC and ISDN-T1/FXO/E&M card. While local communications (extension call) is based on voice over IP over Ethernet, communications between remote location is based on voice over ATM. The reason of using voice over ATM technology for WAN communications is because ATM is the only technology can provide Quality of Service (QoS). The ISDN T1/E&M card provide the hop-off to traditional PSTN or PBX which enable the evolution of the voice network.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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