Author: Lam, Yim-ping
Title: Strategy for successful implementation of traveler information systems (TIS) in Hong Kong
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 2002
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Travelers -- Information services -- China -- Hong Kong
Tourists -- Information services -- China -- Hong Kong
Tourism -- China -- Hong Kong -- Information resources management
Department: Department of Management
Pages: 1 v. (various pagings) : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Hong Kong is investing HK$3.3 billion in Intelligent Transportation Systems over the next 10 years. This investment affects everyone in Hong Kong. The extent to which traffic congestion will be relieved depends on how well Hong Kong people will accept and make use of Traveler Information Systems (TIS) to plan their travel, and how well they will be able to avoid or get out of traffic congestion. The literature review identifies studies on traveler information systems related to private and commercial drivers in the US. Overseas studies of TIS may not be totally relevant to Hong Kong, as information in such studies was collected from people who use private transport, whereas over 90% of Hong Kong people use public transport. There is no single and integrated study identifying (a) the factors that influence people's acceptance of TIS in Hong Kong, (b) travelers' change of alternative routes or transport modes in traffic congestion in Hong Kong, (c) the TIS market in Hong Kong, (d) the amount of time that Hong Kong people can save by avoiding or getting out of traffic congestion, and (e) the support of the private sector in promoting the successful launch of TIS in Hong Kong. This study is targeted at both private and public transport users aged 15-65. It also makes use of focus group studies, techniques such as stated preference, telephone and personal interviews, logistic regression analysis, and hypothesis testing to establish answers to the above questions. The results of this study show that the factors which affect Hong Kong people's acceptance of TIS include the choice of TIS receiver, the price of the TIS receiver, and the TIS monthly service charge, and the factors which affect travelers' change of alternative routes or transport modes include the duration of traffic congestion, the cost of alternative routes or transport modes, and the impact of change of alternative routes or transport mode. The study also reveals a TIS market in Hong Kong of HK$5.41 billion over five years, which includes the market value of TIS receivers and five years of TIS service charges. The amount of time public transport users can save through the use of a TIS to avoid or get out of a 15-minute traffic congestion is in excess of 4 million man-days per year. The private sector supports the launch of TIS in Hong Kong. It is willing to participate in TIS trials, to subscribe to the service, or even to invest when there are sound business grounds for doing so. Strategies are also recommended in this study to promote the successful launch of TIS in Hong Kong.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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