Author: Ho, Aly
Title: Investigating knowledge, attitudes and practice patterns toward standard and transmission-based precautions among nurses and non-medical supporting staff in the operating room : a cluster analysis
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2006
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Operating room nurses -- Attitudes.
Operating room nursing -- Practice.
Department: School of Nursing
Pages: vi, 81 leaves ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Nurses' and non-medical supporting staff's knowledge, attitudes and practices toward the standard and transmission-based precautions are explored by identifying profiles of the nurses and non-medical supporting staff working in operating rooms. Relationships between their knowledge, attitudes and practices are explored. One hundred and thirteen nurses and non-medical supporting staff recruited from the operating room of a large Hong Kong public hospital completed a structured questionnaire. Two-step cluster analysis yielded 2 clusters. Clusters 1 & 2 consisted of 50.4% (n = 57) and 49.6% (n = 56) of the respondents, respectively. Cluster 1 subjects were younger, higher education-attainment level, working at a senior level than cluster 2 subjects and reported good knowledge, positive attitudes & practices. Cluster 2 subjects were characterized by relatively poor knowledge, negative attitudes & practices. Significant differences toward standard & transmission-based precautions were found among clusters, except attitudes toward choosing protective personal equipment among patient's variables (p=0.095) and practices on wearing gowns & eye shields / goggles (p=0.759). The attitudes were highly significant but weak and positively correlated with practices (rs= 0.39, p < 0.05) of the operating room staff in cluster 2. Two clusters of operating room staff were differentiated. They showed differences in level of their knowledge, attitudes and practice patterns toward standard and transmission-based precautions. This clear profile of these knowledge, attitudes and practice patterns of the operating room nurses and non-medical supporting staff may benefit healthcare educators in planning and developing appropriate educational programs, the organization in providing safe climate and healthcare workers themselves in learning to change their mind in the importance of personal responsibilities on preventing patients, co-workers and even themselves from disease transmissions.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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