Author: Ho, Benjamin
Title: A web-based system supporting tourist risk system
Degree: M.B.A.
Year: 2001
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Tourism -- Data processing
Department: Department of Management
Pages: v, 81 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: In the wave of the Internet in past years, many Web sites were built with different kinds of contents. Among all, some also address the needs of travelers. However, there is not many, if not none, address the risks that tourists face when visiting a city. In this project, a prototype is built to evaluate tourist risks using fuzzy logic approach. The prototype is a Web-based system which supports travelers in evaluating the risk of a city based on their own perception on a city. The system also records the evaluation history so that it can show the travelers how other people evaluate the city and compare with their own. The paper also describes the development process of the prototype and proposes a methodology that is used to develop the Web-based prototype.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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