Author: Sit, Kam-yung
Title: Quantifying energy saving potential by intermittent air conditioning operation in a typical single office
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2006
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Air conditioning.
Offices -- Energy conservation.
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: x, 135 leaves : col. ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: This report analyzes the energy saving potential by intermittent air conditioning operation in a typical single office by simulated program "EnergyPlus", and reviews the influence of such operation on thermal comfort. Regarding the energy audit for The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, it was identified that air conditioning in a large number of single offices was not turned off when not occupied such as during lunch break or out for a meeting. It was generally recommended that air conditioning system should be switched off during unoccupied periods. Although certain energy saving can be resulted in, it is essential to quantify the energy being saved and assess the influence on indoor thermal comfort from this proposed intermittent operation to convince office users of accepting this operation. A survey regarding the users' habit towards ON/OFF operation of air conditioning system was carried out in this study. Besides, this study based on simulated program, supplemented by finite experimental measurements in a single office to show the feasibility of applying this proposed operation. The results show that intermittent operation of air conditioning system is normally ignored by most users. The energy saving for air conditioning system is also presented. Approximately 732 kWh or 32.5% total energy consumption of air conditioning system could be saved in the single office annually. It also shows that the thermal comforts would not be greatly affected even switching off air conditioning systems during unoccupied periods as less than 20 minutes is required to resume the temperature and PMV index back to acceptable level. These figures could be used to enhance users' awareness of energy saving and convince them of accepting this operation.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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