Author: Lau, Yee-man Claire
Title: Online evaluations on co-operation levels of regional tourism promotion alliances
Other Title: Online evaluations on cooperation levels of regional tourism promotion alliances
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2005
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Tourism -- Marketing -- Evaluation
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: vii, 80 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Tourism has long been regarded as a major economic force and significant foreign exchange earner by many countries. It applies to both developing countries like Mainland China, and developed European countries like United Kingdom and France. In view of keen competitions, some tourism destinations have established strategic tourism alliances with their neighbors. This helps to create a greater tourism mass, and to attract more visitors to a specific region. The partnership may be a particular region in a country; a group of countries in a region; or even countries in multiple regions. As far as marketing tools are concerned, the Internet has almost become inevitable. Hence, a lot of regional tourism alliances have established their own regional tourism promotion web sites. This study aims to use the regional tourism alliance web sites as the focus for comparing the levels of co-operation of regional tourism promotion alliances. Three alliances of different levels are selected in this study, namely, the Pearl River Delta marketing initiative including the tourism offices of Guangdong Province, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macau Special Administrative Region (one region in a country); the European Union (many countries in a region); and the Pacific Asia Travel Association (many countries in multiple regions). By developing a model based on past studies relating to regional tourism promotion alliances, six dimensions were identified for evaluating the level of co-operation. The model was then tested by the three selected alliances. Findings of the study show that the higher the level of co-operation of a partnership, the better the performance of their respective web sites. This study contributes to serve as a base for evaluating levels of co-operation of online tourism promotion alliances.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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