Author: Choy, Chiu-kwan Peter
Title: Application of queueing theory to evaluate changes in service level and enhancement for an air cargo terminal
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2000
Subject: Aeronautics, Commercial -- Freight
Queuing theory
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Department of Management
Pages: vi, 52 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Given the increasing competition in the air cargo industry and the service pledge with the Airport Authority, the Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited has received unprecedented attention on its service performance. With the high growth rate of the air cargo expected in the coming years, a concern was raised by top management on the service degradation as a result of the increased volume. The aim of this study is thus to develop a queueing model to represent the prepacked cargo acceptance process in the terminal, so as to allow the evaluation in the drop of the average waiting time in truck park (a key service performance index) with the growth in tonnage handled. To ascertain the relationships between tonnage and trucks handled, a correlation test was performed, followed by the regression analysis to determine the growth rate for the trucks with respect to that of the tonnage. Based on the findings, potential sloutions were investigated, again using the queueing model, to determine the targets for improvement in order to bring the service performance to an acceptable level. The various job elements in the process were broken down to identify processing time improvement. At the same time, several innovative business solutions were proposed to spread out the truck arrival pattern during the peak hours to further improve the overall service performance.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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