Author: Yau, Siu-lun Sheldon
Title: Advanced handover mechanisms and their applications in DCS1800 micro-cellular system
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 1996
Subject: Cellular telephones
Mobile communication systems
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Pages: 181, viii leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. + computer disk
Language: English
Abstract: Cellular radio is a fast-changing field in mobile communication and its rapid growth in capacity requirement will saturate most of the large cellular networks in the world in the nearest future. In order to provide additional network capacity without seriously deteriorating the network service quality, utilising cell splitting and advanced handover mechanisms are recommended. However, in terms of timing and cost efficiency, only advanced handover mechanism is feasible. In this dissertation, advanced DCS1800 handover mechanisms, i.e. Interference Protection Handover, Interference Rejection Handover and Intelligent Directed Retry, will be discussed. Simulations concerning three different cellular models, the traditional micro-cell based cellular network, newly applied pico-cell based cellular network and the advanced handover mechanism based cellular network, will also be conducted; meanwhile the simulation results will also be compared. The simulation results show that the network capacity of an advanced handover mechanism based cellular network is compatible to a pico-cell based cellular network, while its service quality is better than that of a pico-cell based cellular network. Therefore, an implementation of the advanced handover mechanism to the existing DCS1800 cellular network is feasible and recommended.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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