Author: Ho, Wai-yip Andrew.
Title: An investigation of the assessment process of online courses
Degree: M.Ed.
Year: 2002
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Distance education -- Technological innovations
Internet in education
Department: Educational Development Centre
Pages: 133 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: As teaching moves from the traditional classroom to an online environment, teaching and learning activities have adopted technology to allow students to learn in a way that is not possible in a traditional classroom. To provide an effective learning environment, both the teaching and assessment aspects must match in some way so that students can be assessed for what they have learned. In browsing through the literature, many researchers have explored the issues relating to teaching in an online environment, but relatively fewer researchers have explore the issues relating to assessing students in an online environment. In fact, assessing students is only a part of the equation where the assessment process of a course also encapsulates the development and management of assessment activities/procedures. Motivated by the above observation, this study looks at the assessment process of three online courses in Hong Kong with the aim of answering the following two research questions: RQ1. What is the current state of the assessment process? RQ2. How effective is the assessment process? In particular, the study explores the context of the current assessment process, what activities are being adopted by the courses, how these activities are developed and managed, whether the assessment activities are aligned with the course objectives and whether the assessment process support good teaching and learning practices. The study has identified a number of potential problems associated with the current assessment process and has made a number of recommendations with the aim of solving the said problems as well as increasing the use of technology in the assessment process so as to bridge an obvious “technology gap”.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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