Author: 张引
Zhang, Yin
Title: 携程顾客满意度调查
Xie cheng gu ke man yi du diao cha
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2005
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Consumer satisfaction
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: x, 76 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: Chinese
Abstract: In the 21st century, the mode of the buyer of market has been basically reshaped. Customers, in the market, have been facing with more alternatives and "temptations" from various enterprise competitors. It is really difficult to satisfy customers and maintain faithful customers. As the fast popularization of Internet usage in China, the high-speed transmission of information has reached a scale beyond imagination. The Internet provides a seamless platform for communications between enterprises and customers. What's more, it also provides such a platform for communications between customers, bringing about boundless scope for product publicity to reach customers. Nowadays, customer satisfaction is essential not only to survival and development of enterprises, but also to the good name of the enterprise's public image. Consequently, more and more domestic enterprises have started to keep track of the status of customer satisfaction, and lay stress on the promotion of products/services quality, endeavor for establishment of favorable corporate image.
In recent years, though China's academic circles have started the research on customer satisfaction degree, they still rest on the stage of exploratory theory, with little practical testing on such degree designed. Meanwhile, enterprises have realized step by step the importance of customer satisfaction, and then tag "The customer is God" and "Customer first" in succession. It is a pity that cases are few for enterprises to really investigate and study customer satisfaction degree, on the contrary, most enterprises have blindly laid emphasis on internal quality control, but such control or improvement is not based on the feedback of customer satisfaction. This research chooses Ctrip Tourist Service Company--the largest on-line booking website in China as investigated subject, and surveys customer satisfaction degree of Ctrip Company through questionnaire. Based on such survey, the study analyzes correlative factors that influence customer satisfaction degree.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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