Author: Lu, Kangjun
Title: Applying collaboration technology to project management
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2010
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Project management -- Computer network resources.
Web 2.0
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: viii, 125 leaves : ill. ; 31 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: By studying today's project management systems and existing issues that prevent the effectiveness and efficiency of project management, the dissertation focuses on solving these issues to find a solution for project management. By integrating project planning and actual project execution across project lifecycle, most of activities which not only cover planning, assignment, monitoring and control serving management, but also involve tasks execution, discussion, report serving all team members, are able to be tracked in the system to efficiently exchange or share the information among the team, get the real-time project insight and make confident decision on project management. By applying the collaboration and web 2.0 technologies such as blog, document library, instant message, shared calendar, RSS, social tagging, forum, activity tracking and polling concepts into project management, the system provides a work environment that promotes the team synergy and helps project team become a social, transparent, auto-aware project community where all team members are working together, reacting and responding to each other in order to achieve the best outcome. By reducing and automating tedious and time-consuming manual tasks, it accelerates the task executions and improves the productivity and efficiency of the project team, meanwhile, it also reduces the potential risk of making human errors and makes the project manager and team more focused on valuable work or deliverables. The research would be helpful to set up the new project management system called i-Pac (Integrated Project management with Automation and Collaboration support) to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of project management and the productivity of project manager and project team, while improving the chance of project success.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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