Author: Wang, Xiaoshi
Title: Understanding convention attendees' satisfaction and return intention
Degree: M.Phil.
Year: 2010
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Congresses and conventions -- Economic aspects
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: xii, 180 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to develop a conceptual framework to understand convention attendees’ evaluation of convention experience, in order to better understand their satisfaction and return intention. Specifically, the evaluation of convention experience was investigated through three constructs, namely perceived convention performance, perceived attractiveness of destination and perceived value. Multiple regression analysis was used to assess the impact of convention evaluation constructs on the satisfaction and return intention of convention attendees. The increasingly fierce competition among associations and host locations suggests the need to understand the satisfaction and return intention of convention attendee as the ultimate customer, which incurs great impact on the financial benefits of both associations and host locations. Based on the extensive literature review of convention tourism, tourism and hospitality, and general marketing research, constructs of interest were identified and the hypothetical relationships were established for testing. Before the main stage of data collection, a pilot study was conducted in order to fine-tune the survey instrument and test the self-developed online survey system which was used as the media for data collection. Two conferences, the Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) 2008 Conference and the Seventh Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students’ Research in Tourism (APF) were selected for data collection. A total of 156 usable questionnaires were received which included 109 copies from CAUTHE 2008 and 47 copies from APF 2008. Multiple regression analysis was applied to data collected. To test hypotheses 1 to 3, three convention evaluation constructs were included as independent variables while convention satisfaction was included as the dependent variable. Research findings showed that perceived convention performance, perceived attractiveness of destination and perceived value, had a significant positive impact on convention satisfaction. Therefore, hypotheses 1 to 3 were supported.
To test hypotheses 4 to 7, three convention evaluation constructs and satisfaction were included as independent variables while return intention was included as the dependent variable. Results from the multiple regression analysis suggested that perceived convention performance and satisfaction had a significant positive impact on return intention, whereas perceived attractiveness of destination and perceived value had no significant direct impact on return intention. Consequently, hypotheses 4 and 7 were supported whereas hypotheses 5 and 6 were not. The mediating roles of satisfaction between post conference evaluation constructs and return intention were tested by following Baron and Kenny's (1986) three-step-approach. Results indicated that the relationship between perceived performance and return intention was partially mediated by satisfaction, while the remaining two sets of relationships were totally mediated by satisfaction. As a result, hypotheses 8 to 10 were fully supported. Beta coefficients reflected that perceived performance was the strongest predictor of convention satisfaction (β=.457, p<.001), followed by perceived attractiveness of destination (β=.259, p<.001) and perceived value for money (β=.192, p<.01). This study is one of the first attempts to understand post convention evaluation, satisfaction and return intention by convention attendees. Based on the analysis of specific background of convention industry and existing literature, a model to represent the phenomenon was proposed, tested, and confirmed. The research findings also provide meaningful information for associations, host locations, and meeting planners allowing them to identify factors influencing conventions attendees’ satisfaction and return intention. Obviously, this information will help there groups create better conference programs and those more appropriate marketing strategies.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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