Author: Su, Mi
Title: Carbon trading policy in China
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2011
Subject: Emissions trading -- China
Carbon offsetting -- China
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Construction and Land Use
Pages: iii, 41 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Climate change is now one of the popular topics discussed all over the world. Carbon trading as an economic tool derived from it took lots of attention, and even is the most controversial object in international negotiation. Some said the emission right is the developing right. Through the massive publicity of recent years and the temptation of profit, entities of China care more and more about the carbon market or even participated. However, as a new form of economy, the carbon trading in China still lack of policy support and protection. So this study is based on this initial phase of China's market and trying to figure out a better policy environment. The main target of this paper is to discuss the status of current carbon trading market in China, including most famous Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects' situation, and how should the China's carbon trading policy be in future, through two aspects of CDM and Emission Trading, related to international carbon market, and the learning from US' voluntary carbon market and EU's mandatory carbon market, to build a healthy and active carbon market in China. This paper also discusses current policy environment in Hong Kong and the how could Hong Kong enter the carbon market in China. Considering limit policy actions taking in China, the focus would be on the comparison of failure and success of the two largest international carbon markets and giving policy making advises for building China's own carbon market based on its characteristic.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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