Author: Fan, Yuhua
Title: Pervasive computing for people with motor impairments
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2012
Subject: Ubiquitous computing.
Computers and people with disabilities.
Human-computer interaction.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: viii, 83 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Information accessibility is becoming an increasingly important issue in the information society. Accessibility of information refers to using techniques to enable all individuals to acquire information. Acquiring acknowledges and benefiting from information is the right possessed by all individuals. However, the people with impairments often suffer difficulties in accessing to information. Information accessibility, basically, is a HCI issue. So, an interaction technology for handicapped people accessing information is designed and implemented in the thesis. As the development of pervasive computing, the new generation of HCI design occurred, which compatible with the pervasive environment. This environment permeated with computing and communication capabilities and perfectly integrates human users. HCI, hence, evolve into a new generation that augment the realistic of interface objects and enable people's direct interaction with them. Taking into account the deficits of handicapped people, the concept of multimodal technology is also referred in this paper. This paper design and implement a body movement tracking and gesture recognition technology using a hardware component. This application allows a user to operate controls on a computer using movement made by their hands and arms. This is an alternative entry method replace the traditional keyboard, which is more convenient for people with finger impairments. That is a multimodal and augmented reality human computer interface and it also can be transplanted in some other software as interface for general users and those handicapped.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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