Author: Ho, Tien-Lin Lynn
Title: How important is authenticity?
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2011
Subject: Heritage tourism.
Culture and tourism.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: 50 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: This study explored the importance of authenticity and which type of authenticity is more prevalent for tourists who are not actively seeking cultural tourism experiences. Semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions were conducted in January 2011 with 21 visitors within the vicinity of Murray House in Stantey, Hong Kong, a staged heritage site that has undergone extreme adaptive reuse. The study found that the tourists were characterized as sightseeing or incidental cultural tourists with low levels of cultural motivation. Despite claims that tourists are looking for authentic experiences when traveling, it was concluded that the participants did not find the pilgrimage for authenticity all that important. It was also found that constructive authenticity was most prevalent and the visitors constructed authenticity to suit their own needs. The authenticity of Murray House was of little significance and its value lies in its role as a signaled aesthetic backdrop that complements the sense of the village feel of Stanley.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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