Author: Yiu, Hing Leung
Title: Service dominant orientation, external network, knowledge sharing, relationship learning, and innovative performance : an empirical study on technology firms in Hong Kong
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 2011
Subject: Technological innovations -- Management.
Customer relations -- Management
Customer services.
Relationship marketing.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Graduate School of Business
Pages: xi, 257 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Innovative performance is important for firm performance in industries where companies compete for product technological advancements. In the modern economy, the addition of more services to products is becoming a key differentiating strategy for the product companies. In many prior researches, innovative performance and service do not seem related. However, according to the service dominant logic of marketing, the adoption of such logic has positive effects on a firm's learning from customer and network partners through service. According to the extensive research on innovation, learning from customers which is a result of effective knowledge co-production and sharing, is positively related to a firm's innovative performance. This study attempts to examine the relationship of a firm's service-dominant oriented behaviours to innovation. The research was conducted in two stages: (1) service dominant orientation scale development using data of 233 local universities' part time evening master and doctoral degree students; (2) an on-line survey of 82 technology firms in Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks to test the proposed model using partial least squares (PLS). In the first stage, we conceptualized, developed and validated the service dominant orientation (SDO) construct. A hierarchical factor structure is proposed to capture the dimensions of SDO which has three basic-dimensions: intangibilities, value co-creation and value-in-use. There are six sub-dimensions under the three basic-dimensions: service dependability and experience enforcement under the intangibilities dimension; integrative co-creation and participative co-creation under the value co-creation dimension; value learning and value driven performance under the value-in-use dimension. In the second stage, based on the survey results, we found that relationship learning mediates the relationships of SDO to innovative performance, knowledge sharing to innovative performance and external network to innovative performance. The mediation effect confirms that SDO firms have high innovative performance because of the learning from their partner relationships.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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