Author: Wong, Kam-hung
Title: A feasibility study of outsourcing in a public organization : a case study approach
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2004
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Government business enterprises -- China -- Hong Kong
Corporations, Government -- China -- Hong Kong
Contracting out -- China -- Hong Kong
Department: Graduate School of Business
Department of Logistics
Pages: 86, iii leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Outsourcing is not a new management concept. Many organizations in both private and public sectors outsource different activities to achieve pre-set goals and objectives such as cost saving, quality improvement and efficiency etc. The objective of this project is to examine how a public tertiary organization to define which function(s) can be outsourced to achieve cost saving and quality improvement. This project is a case study and the author uses a qualitative research method by interviewing three staff members who one from the top management, one at supervisory level from the purchasing function and one at managerial level from the facilities management function of the public tertiary organization for the collection of views/opinions in different perspectives. The views and concepts of the interviewees will be analyzed and will be compared with the theories/ideas of the academics and professionals as discussed in the literature review. The will author also analyze and assess whether the concepts/views and theories/ideas from the interviewees and the academics and professionals can apply to the situation of the public tertiary organization. The author identifies that not every non-core function of an organization can be outsourced as different functions will bear different value or importance to the organization's core activities. In addition, successful outsourcing in an organization does not mean a positive outcome of other organization for outsourcing the same function. Every organization shall identify its core activities and evaluate/assess the importance of the non-core functions to the core activities.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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