Author: Teng, Xuejiao
Title: Implications of Hong Kong's experience for low-rent housing development in Guangzhou
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2012
Subject: Housing policy -- China -- Guangzhou.
Housing policy -- China -- Hong Kong.
Public housing -- China -- Hong Kong.
Public housing -- Government policy -- China -- Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building and Real Estate
Pages: x, 97 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: From shelter to house, accommodation is always one of the most fundamental necessities for human beings. Low-rent housing programme is one of the housing schemes that Chinese government launched to improve the living conditions for the needy. However, problems and obstacles encountered as the scheme is developing including the lack of funding for construction new housing dwelling units, the lack of sources for low-rent housing units and poor management and planning for existing low-rent housing units. The three weaknesses of low-rent housing development are investigated based on existing researches. Low-rent housing is expected not only to provide shelters to the low-income families but also to reinforce the economic system and real estate market in China. Appropriate measures to improve the situations of low-rent housing become crucial especially after the financial tsunami in 2008. Taking Guangzhou as an example, the unstable development fund, remote location and poor management and maintenance of low-rent housing program cause inconvenience to the existing tenants. It suggests that the low-rent housing development in Guangzhou is still in its early stage of development comparing with Hong Kong's public housing development. A consolidating economic development and stabilized social structure would be the fundamental way to tackle the underlying problems of low-rent housing development. However, existing papers tend to analyze the general situation and there is a lack of detailed investigation on the possible solutions with comparing to public housing program in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, with more than fifty years of experience on developing public housing, its policies are testable and practicable. It is expected that the experience of Hong Kong could apply to Guangzhou. This paper seeks to examine the possible extend of contribution of Hong Kong's housing policy to the set-up of low-rent housing policies in Chinese Mainland. The investigation would deliver inspirations for the future policy formulating on low-rent housing.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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