Author: Chang, Hsiu Ying Ann
Title: Effects of formal mentoring quality on hospitality interns' job satisfaction : organizational trust as a potential moderator
Degree: DHTM
Year: 2012
Subject: Hospitality industry -- Study and teaching.
Occupational training.
Job satisfaction.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: viii, 208 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: The hospitality industry has undergone rapid growth and change globally during the past two decades. Encountering numerous powerful competitors, every hospitality organization has to seek specific competitive strategies to maintain sustainable operations and development. Hospitality is a people-based industry that relies heavily on human resources, and qualified, professional, and talented employees provide organizations with a critical competitive advantage. Hospitality graduates provide the industry with a valuable base of human resources and mandatory internship for hospitality students provides a golden opportunity for the selection of future employees. Unfortunately, many researchers have consistently demonstrated that most interns were dissatisfied with their internship experiences, which often let them to turn their backs on the industry after graduation. The quality of formal mentoring is a core factor that affects the job satisfaction of interns during internship and further impacts their employment aspirations in the hospitality industry. In addition, organizational trust was considered to be a significant lubricant in the achievement of a successful formal mentoring relationship and job satisfaction. Accordingly, understanding the perceptions of hospitality interns with regard to the quality of formal mentoring, organizational trust, job satisfaction, and employment aspirations as well as their interrelationships among is crucial.
Using a purposive sampling method, questionnaires were distributed to six technology institutes and universities in Taiwan. A total of 568 valid surveys were returned, with a respond rate of about 76%. SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 18 were mainly used to analyze the data. The results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the perceptions of hospitality interns of formal mentoring quality and job satisfaction did not differ significantly among the various mentorship arrangements. Structural analysis reveals that job satisfaction fully mediated the causal relationship between perceived formal mentoring quality and employment aspirations. Moreover, perceived mentoring relationships and mentoring program effectiveness, and vocational support are more closely associated with job satisfaction than other formal mentoring quality subconstructs; and extrinsic and general job satisfaction are more closely correlated with employment aspirations than intrinsic job satisfaction. Furthermore, multiple group analysis indicates that the causal relationship between perceived formal mentoring quality and job satisfaction do not differ significantly between two levels of organizational trust. As a result, industry practitioners are strongly encouraged to concentrate on reinforcing the level of perceived quality of mentoring relationship, mentoring program effectiveness, and vocational support together with the degree of extrinsic and general job satisfaction to persuade interns to remain in the industry after graduation. Finally, research limitations, theoretical and practical implications, and future research are addressed.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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