Author: Chan, Yui Pan
Title: Radiative heat transfer from pool fires in a small compartment
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2011
Subject: Heat -- Transmission.
Heat -- Radiation and absorption.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: x, 92, 2, 4 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: This dissertation focuses on an investigation of radiative heat transfer of pool fire in small compartments in residential buildings. A series of experimental studies were conducted on the pool fire and several empirical formulas were evaluated to estimate the amount of emitted heat. The study aimed to examine the applicability of the formulas to a situation of a pool fire in compartment room and to estimate the radiant heat flux fluctuation in relation to the pool size and orientation of the fire. In this study, data obtained from 34 experiments were used to evaluate the amount of heat flux by empirical equations. Measurements of mass loss rates, temperature, and heat flux were recorded. The experiments were performed using propanol as fuel. The estimated results obtained from the equations were then compared with the value of the flux measured in experiments. Two variables, diameter and location of the fire pan, were varied in the experiments. Four concentric circular pools (0.24, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5m in diameter) and three locations (centre, sidewall and corner) were chosen. The different combinations were used to demonstrate the most significant factor that produces a maximum of radiant heat flux. The results show that under the condition with the fire placed in sidewall with the largest diameter (0.5m), the fire can emit the highest heat flux. On the other hand, the estimated results from empirical equations are not consistent with the experimental results obtained from conditions with full and limited ventilation. The maximum ratios of the difference between the estimated and measured heat flux are 100% and 600% for the case of full and limited ventilation respectively. The findings indicate that the empirical equation may not be applicable to a target which is higher than the flame height. Also, the equation is not suitable for estimation of heat flux in a small compartment room due to the large variance. Finally, the equations for safety separation distances in different conditions are determined. Further research can be conducted with larger fire pan size and other types of fuel.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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