Author: Wang, Qifeng
Title: A study on individual tracking and analysis
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2013
Subject: Mobile geographic information systems.
Location-based services.
School-age child care
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
Pages: xi, 95 leaves : ill. (chiefly col.), col. maps ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Individual tracking has been applied in many areas due to the development of modern positioning technologies. For this dissertation, a prototype of individual tracking system is developed and then an implementation that concentrates on school children is released in a new way which is based on the GIS analysis of children's activity patterns. Children's location is acquired from the GPS and cellular-network-based positioning method and transferred through different networks. Spatial data management, data interoperation and analysis are achieved based on distributed GIS, through which the public can easily access to the geographic location and activities' patterns of their children. For this newly designed system that demonstrated in this paper, several characteristics that differentiate present systems are highlighted by considering the development of mobile internet and distributed GIS. First, the data transferring from tracking device (hardware) to server (software) instead of just communication between hardware makes spatial data easier to interact and interoperate. Second, the elaborated spatial database with specified spatial reference provides more spatial operations which simplified organization and management of spatial data. Third, spatial analyses are designed with the consideration of the practical situations on data accuracy and different user groups' demands. Forth, monitoring types based on different geometric feature types like point, polyline, polygon and their combination are innovated to monitor risks on school children more properly. Fifth, different user interfaces are designed for different user groups. Moreover, high expansibility is another key feature of this system which application programming interfaces (APIs) are provided to expand original functions by just calling related packaged methods. At last, both web version and mobile version are developed to realize ubiquitous tracking and monitoring which satisfy parents' requirements.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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