Author: Sun, Jingxuan
Title: Flight performance of a vertical take-off and landing unmanned aerial vehicle
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2014
Subject: Drone aircraft -- Control systems.
Drone aircraft -- Mathematical models.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Engineering
Pages: vii, 136 leaves : col. ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: This thesis reports on two designs of tailless tail-sitter unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Both static and dynamic stability of these two vehicles were examined. The nonlinear differential equations of motion of a rigid tailless aircraft were developed from Newton{174}s second law of motion. The linearization of these equations were also accomplished using the small disturbance theory and thus gives the state-space models of longitudinal motion of the vehicles designed in this thesis. With the mathematical model been setup, three different kinds of control techniques, including the BASS-Gura technique, the continuous Algebraic Riccati equations, and the proportional, integral, derivative controller, were applied to design the state feedback controller for stability augmented system. The MATLAB and Simulink simulations were created and proved that the longitudinal stability of both two vehicles were augmented with the state feedback controller. The longitudinal dynamic motion was shown to consist of two distinct and separate modes: a long-period oscillation that is lightly damped, and a short-period but heavily damped oscillation. The low-cost, open source ArduPilot-Mega board was used to setup the autopilot system. A quaternion based Euler angle error method was developed to eliminate the risk of gimbal lock and ensure the aircraft reacts properly when in hover orientation. A hover throttle controller for APM was designed using quaternion method. Once the designs of the controllers were finalized, a series of flight tests were conducted to observe the performance of the vehicles. Several improvements were made according to the flight test results.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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