Author: 谢霜
Xie, Shuang
Title: Jing ji xing jiu dian fu wu shu xing IRPA ji IAA fen xi : guan yu Y shi dai yu X shi dai de bi jiao yan jiu
经济型酒店服务属性 IRPA 及 IAA 分析 : 关于Y 世代与X 世代的比较研究
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2014
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Hotels -- Customer services
Consumer satisfaction
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: ix, 132 leaves : charts ; 30 cm
Language: Chinese
Abstract: This research recognizes twenty service attributes of economy hotels through literature review. A questionnaire survey is conducted to obtain the evaluation of economy hotel attributes' performance from Generation X and Generation Y. The evaluation data are used as bases for Impact Range-Performance Analysis (IRPA) and Impact-Asymmetry Analysis (IAA), the upgraded versions of Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). IRPA and IAA analyze the range of an attribute's impact on overall customer satisfaction (RIOCS) and the asymmetry of attributes' satisfaction-generating potential and dissatisfaction-generation potential. All attributes will be categorized and compared according to their RIOCS and Impact Asymmetry (IA) indices. The results of the research indicate that the "delighters" (attributes that have the greatest potential to create satisfaction than dissatisfaction) of Generation X and Generation Y are very different. The six "delighters" of Generation X are "Room Rates", "Group-buying", "Room Television", "Intelligent Electronic Productions", "Hotel Location", and “Breakfast; while the nine "delighters" of Generation Y are "Reservation System", "Internet", "Safety Facilities", "Essential Meeting Area", "Hotel Concept Design", "WeChat", "Group-buying", "VIP Plan", and “Intelligent Electronic Productions. It suggests that Generation Y care more about creative technological service attributes but Generation X focus on traditional service attributes. Moreover, the two groups differ in excitement factors in terms of hotel facilities. The research procedure also proves that the IRPA and IAA methodologies are easy to apply. Comparing to the traditional IPA which relies on the subjective judgment of informants, IRPA and IAA use more advanced statistic tools to process customer perception data and improve the objectivity of the study. Finally, the research outcomes are easy to understand. This makes it more convenient for managers to derive action plans from the results.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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