Author: Bao, Hanqing
Title: Vision-based sign language recognition
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2014
Subject: Optical pattern recognition.
Sign language.
Human locomotion -- Analysis -- Data processing.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: viii, 59 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Sign language recognition is an important subfield of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), which enables people communicating with hearing impaired people conveniently. Many different methods are proposed and apply to the recognition problem previously including several dimensionality reducing methods and classification methods. However due to the complexity of human signs, it has never been an easy task. In this dissertation, different hand shapes of human signers are tracked and segmented from dynamic image sequences with analysis of RGB data and depth data captured by a Kinect sensor. A sparse autoencoder is trained to reconstruct hand shape images into high-level features. The learned features were then fed into a multinomial logistic regression model and trained it to classify signs of digit from 0-9 of Chinese Sign Language (CSL). A total of 4000 hand shape images are collected and used during the experiments and produced reasonable results. The performance of entire system is good to achieve almost realtime sign recognition after the model being trained.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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