Author: Guo, Shu
Title: E-advertisements for the companies in fashion industry
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2014
Subject: Internet marketing
Internet advertising.
Electronic commerce.
Clothing trade.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: v, 166 leaves : illustrations ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Any successful company relies heavily on its ability of attracting enough potential consumers to its items, especially in fashion industry, which is full of increasing similarity between brands day by day. Companies fail to effectively establish their own identities are bound to fail in gaining their sustainable survival also among the fiercely competitive market. However, thanks to the widely influential scope of Internet and mobile platform, advertisements post via Internet and mobile platform could always be more able to better guarantee the related enterprises' developments. Because there is always a wider range of individuals to receive this information contained in the e-advertisements compared with traditional ways. Therefore, in this dissertation, some popular e-advertising approaches will be briefly introduced. And the whole fashion industry will be divided into three components after a brief introduction to this field. Then later, some suggestions about how to apply e-advertisements well in this industry will be deeply analyzed in order to better support these fashion companies based on their distinct attributes. A small survey will also be conducted to have a general idea about potential receivers' views towards e-advertisements in the social networks{174} platform in that part. By analyzing these dimensions mentioned above, companies in this field are suggested to have a general idea about their marketing environment when doing e-advertising actions. And they will be more able to success in the fierce competitive surroundings.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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