Author: Chan, Chun Ting
Title: Type 1 interferon-inducible anti-viral genes expression in dendritic cells during DENV-2 infection
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2014
Subject: Dengue.
Dengue viruses.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Health Technology and Informatics
Pages: xviii, 80 leaves : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Dengue virus (DENV) infection is an arthropod-borne viral disease. Global warming, global travel and trade, high migration rate from rural area to urban city, and rapid development of developing countries all favored the transmission of Dengue. More than 50 million cases have been reported worldwide annually. So far, neither effective antiviral drugs nor vaccine are available. Therefore, investigation of the host immune response to DENV becomes an important topic worldwide. Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen presenting cells. It is equipped with an array of pathogen recognition receptors (PRR), capable to adopt antigens and control T cell co-stimulatory molecules levels. In addition, type I interferon (IFN) is initiated at the beginning of viral infection This study compared the antiviral responses induced by type I IFN during DENV infection in DCs derived from primary human monocytes and four types of myeloid leukemia cell lines. Expression levels of 18 type I IFN-inducible genes were examined using quantitative RT-PCR. Expression levels of antiviral genes in each DENV-infected cell model were calculated from the Ct values after normalized against the housekeeping gene RPL13a (ribosomal protein L13a). Basal expression levels of those genes in each cell model were obtained similarly before DENV infection. The results showed no difference in the basal expression levels of most antiviral genes studied. Except for OAS-1, basal expression in IMoDC differed significantly from those in ITDC, IMDC and IHDC. Besides, basal level of OAS-2 in IMoDC also differed significantly from those in IMDC and IKDC. The results also showed no significant difference in gene expressions in DCs derived from different cell types during DENV infection. Except for CXCL10, gene expressions in IMoDC were significantly different from those in IKDC and IHDC. In summary, apart from OAS-1, OAS-2 and CXCL10, expression levels of most antiviral genes studied had similar expression levels in DCs derived from primary human monocytes and leukemia cell lines. Thus, these cell models may be suitable for studying host immune responses during DENV infection.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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