Author: Man, Ka Wai
Title: Study on the development potential and energy incentives of rooftop solar photovoltaic applications in the Polytechnic University campus
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2014
Subject: Building-integrated photovoltaic systems -- China -- Hong Kong
Buildings -- Energy conservation.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: vi, 89, 6 leaves : illustrations ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Computer simulation has been employed as a key method to estimate the useful rooftop area and study the shading effect from surroundings in different seasons. There are several studies investigating the shading effect but not in a dense city like Hong Kong. The building blocks in Hong Kong are very close but little research have been carried out to investigate how does them effect the shading effect. Therefore, the current study was designed to study the development potential and energy incentive of solar photovoltaic application in Polytechnic University. The study was based on the Google Map and Vasari, together with the constructed three-dimension model based on the map. The model examined the useful rooftop area and shading effect in four seasons. According to the useful area, the solar power generation could be estimated and followed by the cost of energy. The results show that 70% of the rooftop area was useful, while the rest was allocated for the use for placing building services equipment and for green roof purpose. Shading effect was significant only in the morning and evening during a day while the solar radiations during these were least compared to the solar radiation at noon. Among the six PV modules considered in this study, the high efficiency mono crystalline silicon PV module has the highest power generation with 17% efficiency. However, the solar power generation shared 5% due to insufficient useful installed area on rooftop and great demand of consumed energy of campus which is double of the EMSD benchmark value. The calculated cost of energy for solar PV system is 2.3 HKD/kWh, which is far much higher than our nearby countries. As Hong Kong government is planning on the fuel mix in the territory, the use of renewable energy especially solar PV system is highly recommended. This may suggest there is a need for government to introduce feed in tariff for renewable energy.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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