Author: Hung, Hing Yeung
Title: A study on design fire for a natural ventilated vehicular tunnel in Hong Kong
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2014
Subject: Tunnels -- Fires and fire prevention.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Pages: ii, 89 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Design fire is the most important parameter in fire safety design, with improper or small design fire value, the requirement of fire safety provision would be underestimated. This is particularly important in tunnel fire safety design because the fire load inside a tunnel is difficult to be estimated. Due to some fatal fire accidents related to Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) occurred in vehicular tunnel, the fire safety concern related to HGV fire in vehicular tunnel has been raised. Current new standards and results from large scale fire test suggested that the design fire size should be greatly increased. In this thesis, the fire safety management and HGV traffic usage in vehicular tunnels in Hong Kong has been reviewed. Also, the design fire size of HGV trailer housing common household furniture has also been estimated and it is found that the peak heat release rate of the design fire can reach to 101 MW. Based on the estimations, a series of computational fire simulations have also been conducted using computer field model Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) with different design fire sizes and different tunnel settings. It is found that the large HGV fire in tunnel will create untenable conditions in short time and cannot comply with the requirement in fire safety design. Also, the presence of vehicle blockage inside tunnels will affect smoke movement inside the tunnels.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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