Author: Bao, Linan Lisa
Title: An exploratory study of humour in the tutorial school of new oriental school in mainland China
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2014
Subject: Wit and humor in education.
Tutors and tutoring -- China
English language -- Study and teaching -- China.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of English
Pages: 47 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Ever since a series of opening-up polices, like the entry of WTO, China has maintained an increasing rush for English language learning, which gives way for those language training centres to thrive. Among them, the New Oriental School is one among many that made a success. Admittedly, becoming the lead of language training industry calls for a combination of favourable policies, a bunch of talents, in-depth and comprehensive product research and development, and unique corporate culture, etc. This research takes the perspective of teaching style in the New Oriental School to investigate how humour, thought to be a distinct and competitive strength to other enterprises, is expected, employed and perceived by three stakeholders of students, teachers and teacher trainer through various research methods, including questionnaires, interview and case studies. It turns out that in-class humour is conditionally welcomed by both students and teachers in general. And, the perception of humour are partially different between students and teachers. How teachers conduct humour in classes does not completely comply with instructions from the teacher trainer. This study tries to investigate the current situation of in-class humour among these three stakeholders within the New Oriental School, providing this corporate with advices of in-class humour management.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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