Author: Pun, Sut Kam
Title: Learning catheter-access haemodialysis management for renal failure patients through computer simulation
Advisors: Choi, Thomas (SN)
Chiang, Vico (SN)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2013
Subject: Chronic renal failure -- Patients.
Computer Simulation.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Pages: viii, 96 leaves : illustrations ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Background: Infection is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity in Haemodialysis patients. One of the strategies for minimizing the occurrence of dialysis bloodstream infection is the application of aseptic technique. It is also vitally important to spend quality time in training and supervising the implementation of the sterile techniques for prevention of dialysis related infection. Nevertheless, conventional face-to-face teaching may be inflexible and difficult to accommodate the diverse learning needs of students. In addition, high turnover of staff and insufficient resources may decrease the availability of mentors and chances of practicum. With the development of interactive and multimedia technology, computer assisted learning is gaining popularity as a potential approach for delivering clinical skills while research on the effectiveness is inadequate. More research is needed to investigate the use of computer assisted learning methods for teaching a broader range of clinical skills and its impact on knowledge and skill retention. Aim and objectives: The aim of the study is to improve the learning of catheter-access HD by designing computer simulation for learning catheter-access haemodialysis. This study also studied the users' feedback on the computer simulation. Methods: 40 nurses participated in a randomized controlled trial of an educational intervention in a pilot study. Half of them received (control group) only didactic training; while the other half (intervention group) received additional computer-based haemodialysis simulation training. Both groups were assessed by a haemodialysis knowledge test and a haemodialysis skill competence test before and after the intervention period. Questionnaires were used to collect the participants' feedback. Results: The knowledge and skill competence scores were found to increase in both groups. In addition, the score of the intervention group increased significantly (p=0.00) in both the haemodialysis knowledge test and skill competence test. Conclusion: The results suggested that the combination of simulation and didactic training is a more effective teaching strategy for acquisition of knowledge and clinical skill when compared with didactic training alone. Participants also agreed on the usefulness of the computer-based training simulator.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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